Searching individual databases found using Databases A-Z is an alternative to researching using the EBSCO Discovery System — what we sometimes call EDS or the Discovery System — on the library’s homepage. Learn more about searching the Discovery System here.
This semester, we updated and transferred our list of subscription databases to SRSU Library Databases A-Z, a functional application powered by Springshare. (Springshare’s suite of LibApps also powers our Library Guides, our Chat Service and Frequently Asked Questions and Room Reservation system.)
There are a few reasons why you might want to perform research in individual databases:
- You’re researching something very specific and/or highly technical
- You’re looking for comprehensive information in a defined discipline (see, for example, the offerings of SciFinder for Chemistry research)
- You want to check out some of the beautiful and functional interfaces offered by niche databases like The American West or ArchiveGrid or CAMIO
When you explore Databases A-Z, you’ll find that you can filter by subject, information source type (such as Reference Works), or by vendor/provider. You can also search the list by keyword. Each database listing includes information about its content, coverage and provider. You may also find related links and special features associated with some of our databases.
Finally, we’ll start highlighting new and trial databases on the right-hand side of the Databases A-Z list and with badges (which look like this: and
). For example, through Monday, March 13, the Library is trying out Statista. Give it a look and provide your feedback using this form.
And remember! All of our databases are available 24/7 to current students, faculty and staff. Off campus use for most of the databases requires your LoboID and password. (If you do not know your LoboID and password — also used for email access — you may obtain it from LoboPass.)
Do you have feedback? Want to see something featured in an upcoming Library Tips post? Please email us at