In honor of Pride Month, peruse a collection of Library resources related to Pride and the LBGTQ experience.
We’re adding to our virtual display to include a letter from the Sul Ross State University Diversity and Inclusion Committee:

“In June 2017, the city of Philadelphia adopted a revised version of the flag designed by Tierney that adds black and brown stripes to the top of the standard six-color flag, to draw attention to issues of people of color within the LGBTQ community” (via Rainbow flag (LGBT) on Wikipedia)
The first PRIDE was a riot. LGBTQ people — led in large part by transgender women of color — resisted police brutality and violence at flashpoints like Stonewall, the Black Cat, and Compton’s Cafeteria. Members of the LGBTQ community refused to accept humiliation and fear as the price of living as their true selves. The LGBTQ community understands what it means to rise up and push back against a culture that tells us we are less than, that our lives don’t matter.
Four centuries after the introduction of the trans-Atlantic slave trade to Virginia in 1619, Black people and the most marginalized across this nation are still facing brutality, are still facing widespread injustice, are still facing indifference. Yes, there have been major victories in expanding civil rights for historically marginalized groups along the way. But what good are civil rights without the freedom to enjoy them?
This PRIDE — this moment — requires that we make commitments and take action to embrace anti-racism and end white supremacy as integral to the objective of full equality for LGBTQ people and ALL people. As we celebrate Pride Month Ross at Sul Ross State University, let us carry our work forward with greater intentionality to affect change for all of us, not some of us. Because while we may not be able to celebrate Pride in person this year, there is nothing to stop us from taking action.
The Diversity and Inclusion Committee of Sul Ross State University is committed to promoting a learning environment and community that ensures the safety and inclusiveness. of all students, staff, faculty, and community members. If there are LGBTQIA Sul Ross students or community members struggling, please consider reaching out for the appropriate support you may need. Local LGBTQIA knowledgeable and affirming resources are below.
Local Resources:
Sul Ross State University
Counseling and Accessibility Services
Phone: 432-837-8203
Hours: 8 AM – 12 noon and 1 PM – 5 PM (Monday through Friday)
Location: Ferguson Hall 112
National Resources:
Trevor Project
Available 24/7
Human Rights Campaign