2019 NFL Pick ‘Em Sheets
[PDF file coming soon]

2018 SRSU Lobos football practice; photo by Paul Slocumb
Ground Rules
Weekly Pick ‘Em sheets are available at the PDF link to the left or on the first floor of the Library each week.
Please email your entries to clockwood@sulross.edu, fax them to 432-837-8400, or bring turn them in to the library’s Front Desk before kickoff each Thursday.
Incomplete sheets or entries after kickoff on Thursdays will not be considered for prizes.
Don’t forget to enter tiebreaker points for the Monday night games!
One weekly winner gains bragging rights and a prize, but points will also be assigned to the top 10 finishers each week. (10 points to the winner, 9 points to second place, etc.) There will be an additional prize for the overall winner at the end of the season.
Access your NFL Pick ‘Em ranking any time from the circulation desk or here.